Improving the Utilization of Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are employer-sponsored programs that offer services or referrals to help employees deal with personal problems. These programs help boot employee well-being, satisfaction, performance, and health. Unfortunately, these programs are often heavily underutilized. What is an EAP? EAPs vary between organizations, but [...]

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Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are employer-sponsored programs that offer services or referrals to help employees deal with personal problems. These programs help boot employee well-being, satisfaction, performance, and health. Unfortunately, these programs are often heavily underutilized.

What is an EAP?

EAPs vary between organizations, but most have common elements. Depending on how these programs are structured, they can offer employee education, evaluation, hotline services, counseling, or referrals. When utilized effectively, employers may notice the following benefits:

  • Lower health care costs

  • Fewer disability claims

  • Less absenteeism

  • Higher productivity and focus

  • Improved employee morale

  • Fewer workplace accidents

  • Higher retention

  • Higher retention

How Employers Can Help

Most employees want their employers to provide mental health support and benefits. While an EAP is typically designed for short-term use rather than long-term therapy or health care, it is equipped to educated employees and direct them to the resources they need.

The following are best practices for increasing the utilization of these programs:

  • Communicate frequently & transparently: Employers can boost employee awareness of EAPs with a comprehensive and engaging review of benefits offerings during onboarding and open enrollment, frequent communications, and wellness fairs.

  • Address confidentiality concerns: Employers may elect to not use EAPS over concerns that their participation will be tracked by employers and negatively impact their careers. Employers can address that it is against federal law for EAPs to disclose information shared by employees with their employers. If information regarding EAP usage is tracked, employers can clearly identify what these areas are and why they’re monitored.

  • Challenge mental health stigma: Many employees may avoid using EAPs due to the stigma surrounding mental health. If EAP utilization is low, employers can consider emphasizing other services EAPs offer, such as caregiver resources or financial planning. Furthermore, organizations can take steps to create a supportive mental health culture. This may include encouraging employees to prioritize their mental health, training managers to recognize the signs of mental illness and stress, and offering regular check-ins with employees.

  • Monitor and evaluate EAP performance: Collect and analyze EAP usage to understand the effectiveness of their communications. As such, employers can also consider asking for employee feedback via surveys or focus groups. This can help employers understand the strengths and weaknesses of their programs and create an actionable plan for improvement.