Strategies and Tactics Taken to Handle Cyberthreat Issues and How to Manage Risk in the COVID Era
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Cyber Threats! Ransomware! Protect Your Digital Assets.
Welcome to our group discussion with CEO Leaders on the risks of being hacked and preventative measures in the Covid era.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 – 7:30AM – 10:00AM
CEO Leadership Forums is committed to facilitating a strategic partnership between Valencia College, their students, and local businesses in providing CEOs access to an excellent talent pool, CEO level education and Mastermind opportunities, while providing scholarships to students to advance their careers.
Please note it is our intention to provide information as accurately as possible. Given the speed and fluidity of current events, the speakers’ comments represent best interpretations of new laws as we know them to be. Future government rulings and interpretations could change and potentially affect your own personal situation. Please continue to keep current with these changes through continual dialogue with your professional advisors.
Next Event:
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Time and Date TBD
Introducing our distinguished Panel of Experts
Roy Richardson Aurora – Infotech
James McQuiggan, CISSP Valencia College KnowBe4 Speaker/Moderator Casey Fernandez Ron Wilkinson HYLANT Nperspective CFO
Your Key Note Speaker
- Security Awareness Advocate for KnowBe4
- Adjunct Professor Valencia College Engineering, Computer Programing & Technology
- President – (ISC)2 Central Florida Chapter
- Member of the Trustee Board for the Center for Cyber Safety & Education
- Security Awareness Advocate, KnowBe4 Inc.
- Former Cyber Security Awareness Lead, Siemens Energy & Product Security Officer, Siemens Gamesa
- Professor, Valencia College
- President, (ISC)2 Central Florida Chapter
- Board of Trustees, Center for Cyber Safety & Education
Security Awareness Advocate
If you discovered burglaries were occurring in your neighborhood, what would you do to protect your home?
If you discovered cybercriminals were stealing data from other organizations, what would you do to protect your organization?
I figured out Forrest Gump’s password
- What is it?
- Why does it happen?
- How does this impact the business?
- What to do if you’re attacked
- Best Practices & Prevention
The New Normal in Ransomware
- Conti, CLOP, Darkside, REvil & DoppelPaymer, & others
- Double encryption / Double extortion
- Exfiltrate data & extort if organizations do not pay the ransom
- If orgs don’t pay, they target the
- victims from the data collected
- Triple Extortion
- Target the patients, and customers
Timelines – Harma / Netwalker / Ryuk
- Harma / Dharma (Crysis) -~17 minutes
- 0:00 RDP login from
- 0:01 Opens Task Manager (usually to see who else is logged in)
- 0:03 Drops/runs Network Scanner (SoftPerfect)
- 0:08 RDPs into a Domain Controller (DC)
- 0:10 DC – Opens Task Manager
- 0:10 DC – Drops/runs Network Scanner
- 0:13 DC – Drops Harma ransomware on the desktop and then runs it
- 0:17 entry point – Drops Harma ransomware on the desktop and then runs it
- Netwalker Ransomware – 1 hour
- Ryuk – anywhere between 2 & 29 hours
Ransomware as a Service (RaaS)
- Designed for people who are not technical to set up attacks
- Costs range from free to 50/50 split to 30/70 for the attacker
- RaasBerry – tiered levels
- All payments use Bitcoin
Phishing & Remote Access
Humans Have Always Been the Weakest Link in Security
The human layer represents a high value and probability target because the time and cost required by attackers is low
19 Source: Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report
Ransomware Is a Data Breach
- Criminal hackers infiltrate the network
- Install Trojans / other malware
- Delete backups
- Steal data before encryption
- Hold the data for ransom
- Leak Data, Intellectual Property
- Public Shaming / Threatening Victim’s Customers
Evaluate Your Responses
- Decrypt it yourself Deal or No Deal
- Negotiate or Pay the Ransom
- Rid Your Computer of All Ransomware and Malware
- Wipe the machine and reload
- Possible remaining malware artifacts undetectable to EDR
- Consider the risks of unknown remnants for future attack
- Organizations have been known to be hit twice!
Cybersecurity Insurance
- Too much risk, too much payout
- Cyber Claim Adjusters > Underwriters
- Average payout increased 10x since 2019
- Ransomware detection > 200 days
- Ransomware policy require secondary rider
- MFA is required
- 30 days to remediate vulnerabilities discovered during initial scan
Should Your Company Pay the Ransom if Attacked?
- 15% of SMBs – this is top threat
- 65% lose revenue
- 53% reputation damaged
- 32% lost a C-Suite talent • 35% paid ransom ($350k>$1.4mill)
- 57% suffered < $50k in remediation
Question: Does the organization have the funding to cover this?
Best Practices and Tips to Protect Against Ransomware
- What it’s like for your IT Team
- Security isn’t cheap… neither is ransomware
- Sustainability
- Loss of Availability Loss of Production Loss of Profits
- Ransomware Costs
Self Reflection
- How well can we defend against a ransomware attack?
- What is the plan to detect / contain a ransomware attack?
- Who are you going to call post attack?
- How often are tabletop exercises and audit reviews of the CSIRT occurring?
- Do you have line items in the budget for ransomware / data breaches?
More Questions?
- Data backups – tested & integrity
- What is the risk level for a sensitive data leak?
- Do you have cryptocurrency available?
- Has the organization decided whether to pay or not?
The Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual
Get your FREE copy of the Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual from the KnowBe4 site.
Know more about KnowBe4.
Contact: James R. McQuiggan, CISSP @james_mcquiggan
Introducing our distinguished Panel of Experts
- Roy Richardson Aurora – Infotech
- James McQuiggan, CISSP Valencia College KnowBe4 Speaker/Moderator
- Casey Fernandez HYLAND
- Ron Wilkinson Nperspective CFO
- Nicole McMurray – Apple One
- Doug Forman – Fringe Benefit Plans
Should we pay the ransom?
- Do I need to disclose the ransomware attack?
- Can I be fired after a ransomware attack?
- Does ransomware trigger any data breach laws?
- Can I sue an insurance company for not paying the ransomware claim?
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Contact Information
James McQuiggan
KnowB4 USA
Valencia College 727-316-6739;
Geoffrey Gallo, Partner
Grennan Fender CPA
Doug Foreman, President
Fringe Benefit Plans Inc
Nicole McMurray, Regional Mgr Apple One
Roy Richardson, Principal
Casey Fernandez, Client Executive
Ron Wilkinson, Principal
Nperspective CFO